Thursday, April 23, 2009

OBAMA n Socialism

Google the phrase "Obama Socialism". What do you get? Try google news... what did you find?

When looking up the phrase "Obama Socialism" I found that many people are saying that Obama is turning our country in a socialist country. In an article I found on Spectator and there they were talking about how Obama was being bashed by so many Republicans because they did not want to pay their taxes, but they are paying less taxes with Obama than they were with Bush. "How do these protesters expect to not pay taxes but still enjoy the parks, schools, roads and protection the money from these taxes support?"
People are paying taxes for things that they themselves are using, but they are getting mad about it. it is said that our government has already used some socialist elements in the past,but people are protesting that Obama is turning us into a socialist nation. An article in spectator says that, "Obama's plans may do some to expand the socialist elements of U.S. government, the idea that we're about to become a socialist nation is absurd." If some socialist elements have been used in the U.S Government before , why are people only trying to put the blame on our current president? They should see that he is not the first to try and use this .

Do you feel that the label "socialism" is applied appropriately or correctly to Obama, his proposals or his policies?

Do Obama's proposals or policies have historic precedents in America? If so, what happened in the past?

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