Thursday, October 16, 2008

can the internet affect your choice?

I think that the Internet can most definitely affect the choices that people have on the presidential candidates.
All kinds of media can affect people think of certain things.

There are some websites that promote the candidates and they let the people know what these men are trying to do to change the country.
A website that would kind of be good for like promoting would have to be YouTube because on that website there are a lot videos where people can express themselves on how they feel about the candidates and who people should vote for.
On that website there can also be commercials that are made by the candidates themselves and commercials can be very persuasive for certain people.
Something else that people can do is make their own website advertising the person that they want. People can make their own websites all of the time and since it is theirs they can put whatever they want on it. People promote things on the Internet as much as they can on the street passing on fliers. On the Internet it can get around the world even more than you passing fliers on the street. The Internet can be accessed by so many people and a lot of people do use it. So yes I do think that the Internet can have an affect on how people make their choices.

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